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Informal emails

Here are a few informal expressions you can use in your

emails, or which you may receive in your emails from people

with whom you are in regular and friendly contact. Some of

them may be familiar to you, while others are less so :

"To give the low-down on something"
(to give information on something)

"To chase something up"
(to look for information or follow something through)

"To put something on hold"
(to postpone something)

"To be out of the loop"
(to be out of touch)

 "To touch base"
(to contact someone)

"To check something out"
(to look at something in detail)

and finally,
"To send something by snail mail"

(to send items – usually original documents –  by post).

You should use these expressions only with people with

whom you are familiar, and preferably with those

who can understand them – probably native English speakers.

Don't use them if you are not comfortable with them, but at

least you will know what they mean if you see them in your


Happy writing !


לאבחון וייעוץ חינם, לחצו כאן!

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